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Research Review

  • Dioscorea Villosa: Hormones, Arthritis, & Skin

    Wild yam extract may not do much for balancing hormones, combating arthritis, or keeping skin young, but it’s good to know the facts.
  • Goji Berries: Which Benefits Do They Really Have?

    Goji berries: antioxidant effects, immune benefits, anticancer potential, and even help against age-related macular degeneration. Find them at your local health food store or online.
  • Astaxanthin: Super-Antioxidant & Neuroprotectant

    Astaxanthin: The Pink Powerhouse for Brain Health! This super-antioxidant promotes neurogenesis, protects the brain, and may even benefit joint health.
  • The Purple Parsnip’s Bioactive Brain Benefits (& more)

    This Root: A Guardian Angel. Supplements present themselves for examination. Angelica gigas extract emerges as a potential treatment for vascular disease. Find out more about its heart-healthy benefits.
  • Health Benefits Of Cranberries (But: You’d Better Watch Out)

    Health Benefits Of Cranberries (But Be Cautious). Cranberries are packed with antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties, and anti-cancer properties. They boost the immune system, promote heart health, and prevent urinary tract infections.
  • Resveratrol & Healthy Aging

    Resveratrol, found in red grapes and wine, is often praised for its heart-healthy benefits. However, the amount in wine is not enough, so supplements are available. Consult your doctor before taking them.
  • The Orchid That Renovates Your Gut (Gently)

    The Orchid That Improves Your Gut (Gently). Dendrobium officinale, a traditional Chinese medicine, has been found to enhance gut health by promoting beneficial bacteria and reducing harmful ones.
  • Huperzine A: A Natural Nootropic

    Huperzine A is a natural compound that inhibits acetylcholinesterase, increasing acetylcholine levels. It has potential benefits for Alzheimer’s prevention and memory enhancement. Find it on Amazon.
  • Pine Bark’s Next-Level Antioxidant Properties

    Pine bark extract, used by indigenous peoples for centuries, has powerful antioxidant properties. It contains phenolic acids, catechins, and procyanidins, making it anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and potentially anti-aging. Find it on Amazon.
  • A Tale Of Two Cinnamons

    Cinnamon’s Sweet and Punchy Flavor with Important Health Properties. Learn about the differences between cinnamon types and the numerous health benefits it offers.

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