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Health Videos

  • Sizing Aside: Are You Wearing The Right Bra For Your Breast Shape?

    Bra-fitting woes? Our video guide tackles wide-set, small, and deflated breasts, offering comfort with the right bra choice.
  • Are You Stuck Playing These Three Roles in Love?

    Dive into the psychology of Transactional Analysis: how we play roles of Child, Parent, Adult, and the issues these dynamics can create in relationships.
  • 25 Healthy Habits That Will Change Your Life

    Cori Lefkowith shares essential habits for sustained health, like prioritizing skipped activities and stocking up on spices for a zestier, healthier diet.
  • 20 Easy Ways To Lose Belly Fat (Things To *Not* Do)

    Trim belly fat effectively: heed nutritionist Autumn Bates’ advice – less cardio, cut sugar, ditch bread, limit coffee, stay active, and watch alcohol intake. Learn her full strategy.
  • 16/8 Intermittent Fasting For Beginners

    Intermittent Fasting demystified: Learn why it eases metabolic load, fosters cell maintenance, and may reduce disease risk—with important caveats for diabetics.
  • What is HRT? HRT and Hormones Explained

    Dr. Sophie Newton breaks down menopausal HRT and bioidentical hormones, detailing their crucial roles beyond just reproductive health. Watch to learn the full impact on your body.
  • 16 Overlooked Autistic Traits In Women

    Autistic mom Taylor Heaton shares unique insights on women with autism, from romantic challenges to subtle masking and the push for leadership roles.
  • 10 Healthiest Foods You Should Eat In The Morning

    Revitalize your mornings with creative breakfast ideas: Health-packed oatmeal, probiotic yogurt parfaits, nutrient-rich avocado toast, and more for a nutritious start!
  • What Your Hands Can Tell You About Your Health

    Rheumatologist Dr. Siobhan Deshauer explains what “spider fingers” suggest about health and the risks of Marfan and Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes with simple at-home tests.
  • Stop Trying To Lose Weight (And Do This Instead)

    Biochemist Jessie Inchauspé recommends metabolic health focus over mere weight loss, emphasizing blood glucose control and offering practical “hacks” in her books for overall well-being.

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